Angelina Jolie Got Sick after Watching Her First “Cyborg 2” Movie

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie
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Фотобанк —

Angelina Jolie
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Фотобанк —

Only the brother could calm her down.

Angelina Jolie lost her head. Even the actress’ body reacted horribly to her life-changing movie.

The future Hollywood icon threw up as soon as she saw the “Cyborg 2” scene where she played the main character. This picture became Jolie’s debut from when she hit her 17s. However, there was a part of Angelina talking after getting decapitated. Watching such a disgusting moment made the celebrity feel sick and critical of the film.

“Oh, I threw up. I did. I saw it and I threw up. Just nausea. But I was 17 and I think I thought I was making a real movie, which is odd, since there’s a scene when I’m decapitated and talking as one does. But, yeah, I saw it and got really sick. I just remember my brother Jamie holding me and saying, ‘It’s going to be alright.’”