Victoria and David Beckham Used to Wear Matching Outfits to Express Love

Victoria and David Beckham
Victoria and David Beckham
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Фотобанк —

Victoria and David Beckham
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Фотобанк —

Sometimes, the couple goes nostalgic.

Victoria and David Beckham enjoyed their frivolous pre-marriage period. Unknowingly, they initiated a fashion trend.

During the Jimmy Fallon show, the former Posh singer explained the meaning of her and David’s matching outfits in the 90s.In truth, there was no meaning. Victoria revealed they didn’t care about style and knew very little of fashion. So their outfits were nothing but an expression of crazy love:

“... We didn’t know about fashion and we were just having fun with it, which, to be honest with you, is kind of the way it should be. We just had fun and we were like, ‘Hey let’s wear matching leather.’ And we did.”