The Story of How Jason Statham Became an Actor

Jason Statham
Jason Statham
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Фотобанк —

Jason Statham
Image source

Фотобанк —

The star got his job through hard work.

Jason Statham’s stellar career began by accident. One could have never learned about the charismatic man if the lies hadn’t led him to conquer higher peaks.

Initially, the actor worked as a simple salesman of jewelry and perfumes on the street. The modeling agency representative saw him there and brought Statham to Guy Ritchie’s casting.

The future star had to sell the director some fake jewels for the part, and he handled it flawlessly—probably because of his extensive experience in street trade. The “play” was so realistic Guy paid for his purchases. But as soon as Richie tried to get his money back, the actor grew adamant. And that is how Jason Statham tamed the beast and became one of the lead characters of the “Cards, Money, Two Barrels” film, and subsequently the star of many action movies.