Prince Harry Has Evil Sides just as Meghan Does

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle
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Meghan Markle
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The disgrace sucked the blood of Elizabeth II.

The British blame Meghan Markle for stealing Prince Harry from the royal family in vain. The grandson of Elizabeth II might have played a trick to divert the audience's eyes.

The Duke of Sussex was at odds with the Queen. People attributed the relationship's tensity to his "domineering" spouse, but noble expert Daniela Elser argued this opinion. She is convinced the Prince is not as simple as he seems.

Even before his marriage, Harry gained fame as the "king of parties". He was not ready to put up with traditions and foundations. He probably found in Meghan the accomplice willing to help him sever ties with the hated relatives.

"Megan did not become a key agitator of Megzit, Harry was already dissatisfied with royal life. Critics of the Dukes of Sussex have a strong desire to put the blame entirely on Meghan or Harry. They neglect the fact that the spouses acted as a couple," the expert quotes in Express.Uk .