Mila Kunis Protected Justin Timberlake’s Decision to Make Movies

Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake
Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake
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Фотобанк —

Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake
Image source

Фотобанк —

The actress didn’t demonstrate the slightest kindness.

For Mila Kunis, the mother language is the best option for expressing emotional outbursts. The beauty had to defend her co-star Justin Timberlake from attacks by an obsessive journalist.

During the “Friends with Benefits” press conference in Russia, Mila harshly answered the reporter’s question, “Why did Justin start doing movies?”. The journalist’s words sounded so rude to the actress that she turned on her sarcasm. Kunis shut down the question in her native tongue.

“Why does he want to be in movies? What would you rather have him do? If he wants to make movies and he can, why shouldn’t he? What sort of question is that? Why are you here?”