Michael Jackson Was Criticized for Being Careless
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«Фотобанк- legion-media.ru»
The King of Pop put himself under attack.
Naturally, the talent of the legendary Michael Jackson can not be denied. But in the last years of his eccentric antics, the same can’t be said about his sanity.
In 2002, while staying at a Berlin hotel, the singer stepped out onto the balcony to greet his fans below.
The King of Pop emerged onto the fourth floor and dangled his 9-month-old son Prince over the railing, holding on with just one arm. Some of his admirers rejoiced while others yelled in fear for the baby. Aside from the crowd, child abuse experts also criticized Jackson’s behavior.
“Holding a child like that with what appeared to be one arm while leaning over a fourth-floor balcony window is pretty careless to say the least."