Julius Caesar Wore a Laurel Wreath to Cover the Onset of Baldness

 Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Image source

«Фотобанк — Legion-media.ru»

 Julius Caesar
Image source

«Фотобанк — Legion-media.ru»

The Roman dictator found a solution.

Julius Caesar suffered from male-pattern baldness. He tried many ways to hide it and, after much experimentation, came up with an extraordinary idea.

In the beginning, Julius opted for a comb-over, growing long locks in the back and combining them with the front ones. Unfortunately, his hair wouldn’t stay in place. The ruler’s lover, Cleopatra, devised a concoction of mice, horse teeth, and bear grease to fix the problem, but that didn’t work either.

Thus, Caesar decided to wear laurel wreaths, not because of the ceremony. He wanted to conceal his receding hair. The accessory became an integral part of his style and personality.