Julie Andrews Felt like She ‘Lost’ Her ‘Identity’ after Losing Ability to Sing

Julia Andrews
Julia Andrews
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«Фотобанк — legion-media.ru»

Julia Andrews
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«Фотобанк — legion-media.ru»

She couldn’t overcome some serious problems.

While Julia Andrews became known for her singing voice, tragic circumstances prevented her from realizing own musical talent. The celebrity had to take a break and prepare for the worst.

The star of “The Sound of Music” and “Mary Poppins” had benign nodules removed from her vocal cords in 1997 and awoke unable to sing. Andrews fell into a depression soon after. The loss of her voice felt a lot like a loss of her identity.

In 1999, she filed a lawsuit against Mount Sinai Hospital and its doctors. The following year, a confidential settlement was reached. Julie continued acting in The Princess Diaries 2 and even performed a song tailored to her limited vocal range.

“When I woke up from an operation to remove a cyst on my vocal cord, my singing voice was gone. I went into a depression. It felt like I’d lost my identity.”