Impossible Possible: John Travolta and Uma Thurman were almost to Fail in “Pulp Fiction”

Uma Thruman and John Travolta
Uma Thruman and John Travolta
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Uma Thruman and John Travolta
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Фотобанк —

The actors couldn’t catch what Tarantino wanted from them.

Pulp Fiction is by right considered one of the most iconic movies in the history of cinematography. The quotes of Quentin Tarantino’s brainchild are still on the lips of crime chronicle lovers. However, there is one scene that is especially remembered by the cinemaddicts.

As Tarantino recalls, the famous dance scene of Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace played by Uma Thurman and John Travolta was hardly managed to.

The crew spent more than 13 hours shooting it. Yet, something didn’t satisfy the director. After long hours of useless experiments, Tarantino surrendered and turned on the recording of a dance scene from Jean-Luc Godar’s iconic “Bande a part”.

The characters were desperately dancing in a bar. Tarantino paid attention to the fact that those were dancing non-professionally but just for themselves. And it worked.

The main thing Tarantino tried to achieve was the feeling of neglect of what others could think about them, although the pressure of competition and audience still existed.