Fear from Childhood: Johnny Depp Was Afraid of Clowns

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp
Image source

«Фотобанк — legion-media.ru»

Johnny Depp
Image source

«Фотобанк — legion-media.ru»

No one could help the star.

Johnny Depp was fearless on screen but suffered from one of the 10 most common phobias in real life. The star’s troubles trace back to his youth.

The famous actor was afraid of clowns; in other words, he had a coulrophobia. Depp could never distinguish whether the entertainers were happy or trying to bite him with their painted smiles. In Johnny’s childhood nightmares, they would come leer at him.

I guess I am afraid of them because it's impossible — thanks to their painted-on smiles — to distinguish if they are happy or if they're about to bite your face off.''