Bruce Lee Charged $275 Per Hour for Private Lessons

Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
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Фотобанк —

Bruce Lee
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Фотобанк —

He ran the business smoothly.

Bruce Lee had nothing to hide. The American martial artist was ready to share his tricks but on one condition.

The dragon, Lee, unlike most icons, didn’t keep his techniques a secret; rather, he made them all open to the public for a specific price. Anyone who was interested in mastering the art of fighting and had enough money to spare could have taken lessons from the champion.

Back in the 1960s, Bruce Lee charged a whopping $275. Based on inflation, $275 in the 1960s would be the equivalent of today’s $2,500.

The sportsman planned to start a network of own combat schools across the US. The first location Bruce picked for his project was the parking garage in the First Hill region of Emerald City, Seattle. Later he relocated the school to the basement in Chinatown. It was named The Jun Fan Gung-Fu Institute.