Animation “Anastasia” Was Based on Real Sad Story

Anastasia and 20th Century Fox
Anastasia and 20th Century Fox
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Фотобанк —

Anastasia and 20th Century Fox
Image source

Фотобанк —

The creativity of moviemakers knows no end.

The producers of “Anastasia” decided to turn the tragedy into a fairy tale. The heartbreaking horror story was hidden in the origins of the animated film.

The lost princess Anastasia was a living person, and her story became the inspiration for the movie. Directors of Fox Animations Studios opened up and revealed that Anastasia was the daughter of a Russian Czar, Nicholas II. The little girl was killed at 17 by her father’s enemies.

Because the young lady’s body was missing, some speculated she was still alive but had lost her memory. It was found years later․

Although the plot of the animation didn’t accurately depict the story, it is mysteries like this that sparkle the interest of the cartoon’s creator, Don Bluth

“We didn't make a documentary on Anastasia. We couldn't tell that story. It was so dark. We fashioned a fairy tale based on the myth about her. A lot of people don't understand the difference.”