What to Eat in Autumn to Be Healthy

These products will increase our productivity.

With the onset of cold weather, many of us feel a decline in strength and a lack of motivation. But it is not only the weather outside the window that affects our well-being. Nutritionists say that one of the reasons lies in the change of diet when food rich in antioxidants and vitamins disappears from the table.

Studies have shown that high fiber intake significantly reduces anxiety and depression. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure our daily diet includes products such as brown rice, oats, corn, millet, bulgur, or quinoa.

Coffee can restore some strength, especially on prolonged cloudy days. It is important to note, however, we are talking about moderate doses of the drink.

Blueberries are rich in various anthocyanins, which have a good effect on brain vessels. If we use just one handful a day, we can significantly boost our memory and concentration.

Walnuts are the first pick for teenagers and adults. Due to the high vitamin E content, this product helps improve blood circulation in the brain.