Millionaire Simon Gibson Spent his Money on Charity

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The money was not a big matter for him.
Landowner Simon Gibson may rightly be considered one of the humblest millionaires of the world. Regardless of his fabulous wealth, the man never had the necessity to display or waste it on luxurious consumption.
The only thing that gave out his wealth, was his cozy estate. In 1776 area acres a stable, wet clinic, a farm and residential facilities, and a chapel.Gibson, who never married or had a family, just hits with his generosity. The entrepreneur, whose wealth is about 100 million, donated his property to charity. Colin McCarty, who knew Gibson for forty years, remembered him as a calm and very private person.
“He had a new Rolls-Royce, but I never saw him drive it. 'I won't say he was mean, but he was careful. He was a farmer and a good businessman who pushed a serious amount of money to good causes. He enjoyed spending money on helping worthy causes”.