Books that Boost Longevity
Aging is an inevitable process, but it is not the end of life, rather a new chapter.
People try to trick nature every day: some spend days and nights contemplating how to lose weight, while others valiantly fight diseases. It turns out that many solutions are already presented in books.
“The Obesity Code”: the publication breaks down a lot of stereotypes. Based on science, the author developed a simple and effective system, thanks to which anyone suffering from excess weight can be cured forever.
“Intermittent Fasting”: It is during periods of “hunger” that the systems, organs, and tissues of the human body are restored, metabolic processes improved, and memory sharpened. All of which is necessary to find the optimal ratio of fasting and feasting. And how to do this, you will learn from the book.
“The Diabetes Code”: Dr. Fang devised a special diet to help stabilize blood sugar levels and, in the future, perhaps, altogether drop insulin. The effect can be noticeable after 1-3 months.