Jim Carrey Faced Financial Problem as a Child

Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey
Image source

Фотобанк — Legion-media.ru

Jim Carrey
Image source

Фотобанк — Legion-media.ru

The actor’s life was not one of the happiest.

Jim Carrey’s wild personality, crazy facial expressions, and outlandish sense of humor have been making the world laugh since the 80s. However, the comedian’s early years force us to forget about his charming smile.

In his childhood, Carrey faced many money-related problems because of an unstable financial situation in the family. Per Amo Mama, hard times were plentiful for young Carrey. Even so, the performer overcame them and used his brilliant play to bring joy to others.

"A lot of people don't know this, but when I was about 14 or 15, my dad lost his job and I actually became homeless for quite some time."