Salma Hayek Was Rejected for Leading Roles because of Her Nationality

Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek
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«Фотобанк —»

Salma Hayek
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«Фотобанк —»

An obstacle stood in her way.

Even stars of Hollywood’s first echelon, like Salma Hayek, had to plead for mercy from movie directors and producers. Early in her career, the actress faced many problems because of her “disadvantage”.

Salma dealt with the same misogyny and racism that had troubled the industry since its inception. And she had never been silent about it. Hayek revealed being rejected for two big comedies because of her roots.

The Oscar nominee shared her struggles with Variety and said the directors knew her auditions were best, but the studios wouldn’t have gone for a Mexican lead.

“I remember there were two big comedies I auditioned for the lead. Afterwards, the directors told me that I was the best audition and that I was better than who they cast and that they regretted it.”